OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) - Over 150 Oakland families are getting distance learning support for their children at The Oakland REACH City-Wide Virtual Hub's back to school giveaway event in East Oakland.
A nonprofit group partnered up with several organizations including the Oakland A's to make it happen.
"We are giving away supplies so that our families have the best distance learning experience that they can get," said Lakisha Young with The Oakland REACH.
Lakisha describes the hub as an opportunity for both students and parents in Oakland's underserved black and brown community.
"We designed the hub to be an integration of the academic learning needs and aspirations of our families along with the social-economic ones. So essentially we wanted to create a one-stop-shop," Lakisha explained.
The school supplies families are taking home are desks for students to help create the feeling of being in the classroom while they're distance learning
"I have rearranged things in my house already. I am getting a desk. She is getting a desk. I want her to have space. I have already given her space, but I want her to feel like she is actually at school," said 4th-grade parent Keta Brown.
"Every child deserves access to a great education. In Oakland right now, less than 30% of African American and Latino students are reading on grade level. So we are literally in an education crisis that is impacting our community the most. So we have to disrupt this school to prison pipeline and it really starts with education," Lakisha added when asked the organization is focussing on black and brown communities.