ALAMEDA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) -- Public health officials in Alameda County are hopeful in the next few weeks that COVID-19 vaccination will pick up.
Currently, the county is only in the first tier -- tackling a large healthcare population.
Alameda County, like other counties, are working with healthcare providers like Kaiser in San Leandro to get vaccines to the first tier.
It is a slow process with a large demand.
Places like the Oakland Coliseium could be used in the future to vaccinate large groups of Alameda County residents.
The public health officer Dr. Nicholas Moss says they are still working in the top tier to vaccinate health care workers out on the front lines.
"The county is very large, and with a very large population of health care workers, we are in tier 1B, and we are still with vaccinating health care workers, and will continue to offer clinics," Dr. Moss said. "We are looking to expand, to large mass vaccine events, hopefully by February."
Dr. Moss says he knows that many are eager to get the vaccine, which he adds, is a good thing, but Alameda, similar to other counties, don't have the supplies to meet the demand.
"It is a supply issue, we have given out with providers 120K," Dr. Moss said. "We will get more out, but it is a big county."
The doctor says they are trying to get more communication out to the public about the vaccination distribution.
Via Coronavirus | KRON4