Twitter account tracks when and where COVID vaccines are available

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - A lot of people looking to get vaccinated have been sitting on the California website refreshing the page for updates.

To make it a bit easier for folks, a Bay Area techie set up a one-stop-shop to find out when and where they are available. 

Tech firm security engineer Omar Darwish tells KRON4 that last month his grandmother in Texas was having a hard time booking a vaccine appointment because there isn't a centralized system there.

Then he noticed, although California has one set up called 'MyTurn' people were still struggling so that inspired him to use his skills to do some good. 

A fairly new Twitter page he launched is called @covidvaccineca so instead of sitting there and refreshing the 'MyTurn' website he has set up an automated bot that takes the state's available vaccine appointments and their locations and sends them out throughout the day in a tweet. 

Darwish explained it’s a work in progress -- There's a bug on how the threads are being displayed so he's meeting with the Twitter team to fix that.

Darwish wrote, "I can only imagine how difficult of a challenge it is to administer and inform the public of such a historic vaccination program. I just hope that this bot helps bring us just a little bit closer to the end of this pandemic."

This Twitter page is posting available vaccination appointments for the Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento for now.

Darwish plans on making separate accounts for each region so be sure to look out for that. 

The original page will continue to serve as a hub to show all of them.

Via Coronavirus | KRON4

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