AUSTIN (KXAN) -- With the U.S. Food and Drug Administration set to meet today to consider Pfizer's clinical trial data on vaccinations of children ages 5-11, Austin Public Health leaders have prepped resources, should an emergency authorization use be approved.
Adrienne Sturrup, the interim APH director, said they have prepared for vaccine distributions at Delco Activity Center, Sims Elementary, Shots for Tots St. Johns and Shots for Tots Far South, starting Nov. 8.
She said there won't be any initial pop-up vaccine opportunities due to uncertainties of vaccine deliveries during the first week of authorization. Once APH begins receiving regular vaccine deliveries for children ages 5-11, she said they will work with those four locations in addition to school pop-up clinics in local ISDs and charter schools located in high risk zip codes.
From a procedural standpoint, Sturrup said APH is working to educate parents on COVID vaccinations with children and coordinating the logistics of distributing those youth shots. For children who need to be comforted while receiving a shot, they can be joined by a parent or guardian during the process; with that in mind, she said APH is working with local ISDs on the best process of navigating that.
On Nov. 5, Sturrup said there will be a group of medical providers meeting to access any existing coverage gaps within the Austin-Travis County. She added APH distributed a parent survey last week to assess parental preferences in vaccine locations and providers, as well as determine existing hesitancies in vaccinating children.